·Just finished reading "Shadow Divers" by Robert Kurson
It's the story of a group of divers who discover a previously unknown U-boat sunk off the coast of New Jersey, and their subsequent efforts to retrieve identifying artifacts to solve the mystery of the sub. All a true story, and it reads like a thriller. It's really well written, super engaging, and ties up nicely at the end. Really incredible what these divers go through and the insane risks they take. Especially because of how deep the wrecks are, and the fact that the book begins in 1991 (which was prior to the invention of trimix, a different mix of gas that eliminates a lot of the inherent dangers of diving really deep).
For anyone with even a passing interest in diving/exploration (I figure, a safe bet on a watch forum), it's a must-read imo. I couldn't put it down. If you're a history buff or a WWII enthusiast, same story. One of the most engaging books I've read in a while.
I also loved this book. After reading it, I tracked down Hitlers Lost Sub from NOVA on PBS that shows some actual video of these dives. Both of the divers, John Chatterton and Richie Kohler, also figure prominently in Deep Descent, Adventure and Death Diving the Andrea Doria. It's a great companion book about the divers who risked their lives to explore the wreck of the Andrea Doria.