Life is good but it’s not without issues

Now your talking....just do it quick.👍

Actually, I have been wanting to change all the entry lock sets on my home. Now is a great time to do that. Several moths ago my wife locked herself out of the house. She called me and asked where I was and to come home and open the door. I called a locksmith friend of mine it took him about 45 minutes to arrive at my home.

The locksmith and I pulled up to my home at the same time. I had my keys to open the lock. I told the locksmith since you are here work your magic on the lock. He said some locks may have to be drilled out.

I told him I don’t want to damage the locks see if you can open the lock, He had the lock open in under a minute more like 30 seconds. I thought to myself these locks have to go. . Now is a good time to get some higher security lock sets. I just called the locksmith and made an appointment for Wednesday morning My thoughts on locks is all they do is keep an honest person honest. If a pro wants into your home most locks are not going to stop them
Actually, I have been wanting to change all the entry lock sets on my home. Now is a great time to do that. Several moths ago my wife locked herself out of the house. She called me and asked where I was and to come home and open the door. I called a locksmith friend of mine it took him about 45 minutes to arrive at my home.

The locksmith and I pulled up to my home at the same time. I had my keys to open the lock. I told the locksmith since you are here work your magic on the lock. He said some locks may have to be drilled out.

I told him I don’t want to damage the locks see if you can open the lock, He had the lock open in under a minute more like 30 seconds. I thought to myself these locks have to go. . Now is a good time to get some higher security lock sets. I just called the locksmith and made an appointment for Wednesday morning My thoughts on locks is all they do is keep an honest person honest. If a pro wants into your home most locks are not going to stop them

The last time I changed out the locks on our rental, I went to the store and bought two lock sets and took them to a locksmith shop and had them rekeyed to the key that opens the doorknob lock. Then I just popped them in the doors myself. It cost about a quarter of what a locksmith would charge to come out and do it.
As far as I'm concerned the guy should be a mental patient. This BS with my wife's brother has gone way too far My wife thinks he acts like this because he is a diabetic and when his sugar gets out of control is when he acts up.

Then he should have been spending the last YEAR learning how to control his blood sugar. It's not rocket science.
There is some irony in reading about his supposed struggle with diabetes and yet finding out he raiding the ice cream stash in the middle of the night.

Please let us know when he is gone, and I will make a toast in your honor that evening.

My wife’s brother is gone. Yesterday he arrived at my home around 8pm He took some of his items along with him. He still has his household stuff at my home. While he was packing up some of his stuff. My Son and one of my grandsons stopped by for a visit.

I told my Son I need a hand to move some items out of my basement. That’s my wife’s brother’s household items. My Son and I moved all his household items into my garage. This was going on while he was packing up his personal items.

My BIL asked why were we moving that his stuff. I told him you have until Tuesday evening to get all your items out of my home. I mentioned to him his stuff is in the garage to make it easier for him to remove or me setting all his stuff at the curb on trash day. I said it’s your call get your stuff out or I will He had a hurt dog look on his face. Looking for some sympathy I have none for him.

Thank God for small favors::psy::
There is some irony in reading about his supposed struggle with diabetes and yet finding out he raiding the ice cream stash in the middle of the night.

Please let us know when he is gone, and I will make a toast in your honor that evening.

My wife's brother is not playing with a full deck. He is playing with a deck full of jokers.
19 days

( if he’s stuff is still there he is still there )

18 days
The last time I changed out the locks on our rental, I went to the store and bought two lock sets and took them to a locksmith shop and had them rekeyed to the key that opens the doorknob lock. Then I just popped them in the doors myself. It cost about a quarter of what a locksmith would charge to come out and do it.

I know the locks can be rekeyed I'm not sure if I want the lock sets I have if the locksmith could open the lock so fast. I may look into a lock that is hard to open. Other than a cipher lock set not sure which keyed locks are very hard to open. The keyed lock sets I have on my entry doors are made by Schlage.
18 days
One way or the other ALL his stuff will be gone in less than 24 hours.

My wife’s brother is gone.
That's great -- congratulations! Now I have a nice excuse to drink something tonight. Cheers!