·woah. I don't "let" my wife do anything. She does whatever she feels comfortable doing.
1. "Let" is simply shorthand for "I prefer to pay for my wife to take a cab anywhere she wants to go rather than taking the train alone and she doesn't have a problem going with my judgment on that." Off the top of my head, that and driving after "just one drink" are the only things that I don't "let" my wife do. FYI, she comes and goes as she pleases, including staying out all night with her friends wherever they are or spending however many days she chooses to stay out on Long Island to see her friends and family and I don't provide any input or put any restrictions on anything she does that doesn't relate directly to her personal safety and my piece of mind in relation to her personal safety.
2. Without getting into unnecessary personal details that have nothing to do with this thread, unless you really insist (which is perfectly fine with me), I can guaranfuckingtee you that the realm of things that I'm perfectly OK with my wife choosing to do is a LOT wider than the realm of things you're OK with that your wife could conceivably "feel comfortable doing." And yes, it's reciprocal, obviously.
I’m sure @FreelanceWriter ’s wife does lots of stuff too.