Tell me it’s not a scam

woah. I don't "let" my wife do anything. She does whatever she feels comfortable doing.
I anticipated that kind of misunderstanding, but figured I'd wait before clarifying unnecessarily, because I also anticipated "TMI" responses if I elaborated further:

1. "Let" is simply shorthand for "I prefer to pay for my wife to take a cab anywhere she wants to go rather than taking the train alone and she doesn't have a problem going with my judgment on that." Off the top of my head, that and driving after "just one drink" are the only things that I don't "let" my wife do. FYI, she comes and goes as she pleases, including staying out all night with her friends wherever they are or spending however many days she chooses to stay out on Long Island to see her friends and family and I don't provide any input or put any restrictions on anything she does that doesn't relate directly to her personal safety and my piece of mind in relation to her personal safety.

2. Without getting into unnecessary personal details that have nothing to do with this thread, unless you really insist (which is perfectly fine with me), I can guaranfuckingtee you that the realm of things that I'm perfectly OK with my wife choosing to do is a LOT wider than the realm of things you're OK with that your wife could conceivably "feel comfortable doing." And yes, it's reciprocal, obviously.

I’m sure @FreelanceWriter ’s wife does lots of stuff too.
Thank you. Yes she does, and it's "stuff" that I doubt any of you here would "let" your wives do, which makes it hilarious for me to see some of the pejorative assumptions here about my saying that I don't "let" my wife take the Subway. More generally, my wife has an entire social life that doesn't include me (by my choice) because the "rule" of our marriage is that we share everything we both genuinely want to do, but we never pressure one another to do anything that the other isn't interested in doing. We don't do the typical thing of "trading" doing stuff one of us hates, the way most couples handle different preferences. I don't go to the theater with her because it's not my thing, for example, but I happily pay for her tickets (and cab fare) and I might meet her afterwards, usually at the strip club, where I typically spend the time that she's seeing some show on Broadway. She happens to enjoy my hockey games, but if she didn't, she'd never have seen the inside of a rink in our entire marriage.
I can guaranfuckingtee you that the realm of things that I'm perfectly OK with my wife choosing to do is a LOT wider than the realm of things you're OK with what your wife could conceivably "feel comfortable doing." And yes, it's reciprocal, obviously.

I just wanna say that if my wife were watching this item on eBay I wouldn't let her bid on it. 😜

Sounds like there have been 10 more simple and less scammy ways to get this watch from the guy but he doesn't want to do it. Once you clarify that just walk away.
I just wanna say that if my wife were watching this item on eBay I wouldn't let her bid on it.
Clearly, you're a controlling, chauvinistic Neanderthal.
Looks like the blue panda in question has been sold. These are readily available on the secondary market, just keep your eye out but don't be overly swayed by a 'cheap' price.
Update: because I said I would... 🤔 but before I am flooded with the “I told you so” replies nothing bad happened (or good) 😝

A bit of a backdrop. I was messaged on eBay for a second chance offer after his ck2998 sold for $3.8k (minus 14% for eBay fees and some more for shipping he was clearing a bit over $3k). This alone is a great price for a full set so I said sure I can be interested.

Got the guys email and messaged back in forth. Told him I wasn’t sending any money prior to the watch being shipped or an option I was covered (i.e. PayPal). He recommended a face to face in three cities if I had friends. Friendly enough guy over email. Said his buddy owns a pawn shop and got the watch on the cheap. Said he was also trying to sell it locally. His break even was allegedly $2.5k and so we worked a deal closer to his ebay return.

Posted my post. Got lots of great responses - everyone nailed the reality that I wasn’t going to be buying the watch 👍 and I got a volunteer to check it out. I love this forum 🥰. Emailed him about the meet up and he said he was meeting someone locally that day and may be selling the watch. And that’s the end of the story - because he never responded again. Maybe he was legit and sold it? Maybe it was a rouse from the beginning? My guess is his response would have looked like this:

Sorry I
Can’t meet
At the
I’ll get banned if I let the full Brooklyn out of me right now. Lol
No you won't, we have a special Brooklyn exemption. We even have an on site (Red Hook) Brooklyn Mod to handle Brooklyn matters.
Additionally we have several other Brooklyn and NYC born mods. In fact you might say this is an Australian/Brooklyn forum. Same rules as Australia apply, everything in Brooklyn is dangerous. 😁
Same rules as Australia apply, everything in Brooklyn is dangerous. 😁

Only difference is which way the toilet flushes. 😁
They have toilets in Brooklyn now? I guess the place has improved a bit since I visited 3-4 years ago 😁
This 'deal' had every whiff of a scam, it was never legit.