·I've seen a few cases of this in my lifetime, one including my parents with regards to private investments where tax returns were knowingly fudged so as to shift the burdens while reaping profits - I feel your pain very personally and find it commendable that you're willing to help these people out.
If you can get in contact with the wife again ask her to get in touch with either a tax or estate attorney first. If that's not an option, report the details to either of the following:
Especially now with the increased amount of robocalls, online scams, etc help for such situations is available. You might not be able to do anything further but at least you will know that you did everything safe in your power to help these folks out.
If you can get in contact with the wife again ask her to get in touch with either a tax or estate attorney first. If that's not an option, report the details to either of the following:
Especially now with the increased amount of robocalls, online scams, etc help for such situations is available. You might not be able to do anything further but at least you will know that you did everything safe in your power to help these folks out.