A beloved watchmaker is being scammed

I've seen a few cases of this in my lifetime, one including my parents with regards to private investments where tax returns were knowingly fudged so as to shift the burdens while reaping profits - I feel your pain very personally and find it commendable that you're willing to help these people out.

If you can get in contact with the wife again ask her to get in touch with either a tax or estate attorney first. If that's not an option, report the details to either of the following:

Especially now with the increased amount of robocalls, online scams, etc help for such situations is available. You might not be able to do anything further but at least you will know that you did everything safe in your power to help these folks out.

S Statos
Buy him a get well card and either mail it to the shop and give it to his wife. Inside write I hope you get will soon. I miss talking to you at the shop so if you ever want to chat my number is XXX-XXX-XXXX

Excellent idea. I think it is the best balance between confronting these men as to what they are up to, and doing nothing and worrying about the fellow. This is a very neutral way to contact and if nothing else he gets hear well wishes from a loyal customer. I don't have his home address but can send to the shop and see what happens. Thanks!
Excellent idea. I think it is the best balance between confronting these men as to what they are up to, and doing nothing and worrying about the fellow. This is a very neutral way to contact and if nothing else he gets hear well wishes from a loyal customer. I don't have his home address but can send to the shop and see what happens. Thanks!
It's almost three weeks since you first posted about your hunch, and you've done nothing.
Are you beginning to have doubts that taking some sort of action is the right thing to do?
It's almost three weeks since you first posted about your hunch, and you've done nothing.
Are you beginning to have doubts that taking some sort of action is the right thing to do?

Pardon if I haven't met your expectations, but:

A: I work and travel for a living, and despite my appreciation for the thoughts and ideas received, I often cannot respond in real time on this board.

B: If you'd bothered to read my previous posts you will see I did return to the shop last week to investigate further but the fellow disappeared and I had no further resolution. The wife was not there and given her husband's health, if he needs care I doubt she will return.

C: I do not consider further in-person interaction to be fruitfull.

D: As I said up front, knowing the local authorities, it will go nowhere to involve them.

So E: I have decided to take the advice of sending a him a note, care of the store, and see what happens.

Sincere thanks to all.

If I receive a response to the note, I'll update further.