·Now your talking....just do it quick.👍
Actually, I have been wanting to change all the entry lock sets on my home. Now is a great time to do that. Several moths ago my wife locked herself out of the house. She called me and asked where I was and to come home and open the door. I called a locksmith friend of mine it took him about 45 minutes to arrive at my home.
The locksmith and I pulled up to my home at the same time. I had my keys to open the lock. I told the locksmith since you are here work your magic on the lock. He said some locks may have to be drilled out.
I told him I don’t want to damage the locks see if you can open the lock, He had the lock open in under a minute more like 30 seconds. I thought to myself these locks have to go. . Now is a good time to get some higher security lock sets. I just called the locksmith and made an appointment for Wednesday morning My thoughts on locks is all they do is keep an honest person honest. If a pro wants into your home most locks are not going to stop them