·And logically they left factory in 1974/5 and the extracts are wrong.
Yep, I think you're dead right. And given what we've seen here and elsewhere I'd maybe just add a couple of other points that, while somewhat speculative, are straightforward, consistent with current evidence, and therefore serve as reasonable working hypotheses at the time of writing:
- The "erroneous" 1971 dates we see on older extracts for 31x -74s are probably representative of the date of manufacture of the movements in these watches, which sat on shelves at the factory between 1971 and 1974/5.
- This "error" in the extracts for 31x -74s may have been corrected when changes were made to the extract process in 2019 (though this is currently based on a small number of observations and should be regarded as tentative).
The smoking gun will be when we find one of these with filled in papers. Not sure what to think if purchase date is pre '74!
Haha! Oh God, I don't even want to think about it!