From what I have seen, -65's can have some dodgy looking lume that while causing many of us to question it, the history would indicate it is from the factory. I have seen it so many times and in just this reference, I would be ready to accept it.
The bracelet is, as others say, a bonus and probably correct.
The missing anti-mag cover is a worry and the dial should be checked for wobble damage.
I think it's a $10k watch easily today. If it has a sympathetic service and a period AM cover, and an extract, it would be compared favorably with watches selling for $15k.
My hunch is that despite the missing inner cover, it is a relatively honest watch. For this buyers on the open market will pay a premium.
What I would be concerned about is that this dial may not be the most attractive when compared to other ed whites. I say this because experience with -65's. it's the wobbly lume and possibly the body color, but I would have to have them side by side with a known good one.
That last paragraph is me getting waaay to ethereal....thinking too much. This watch is a definite buy.