What market value has a 145.006/145.016 now days if it’s in good condition
Maybe others will comment but I am not going to make valuations here. A quick tour on :
- OF sales section
- C24
- Watchrecon
- Ebay listings as well as recently sold items
will help you to answer your question yourself.
Own homework is also a journey where you train your eyes and learn a lot. Don’t let us spoil this pleasure 😉
True , I’m already made my research just wanted to see if some one else came up with the same numbers 😉
Is there anyway to spot if it’s cal 321 or 861
Without open the case ?
The dial for example is identical on 145.006 vs 145.016. Or may be I’m missing something ?
Best regards / J
H HaffernThe only way you can see a difference without opening the case is the size of the actual case. The 145.006 has a slimmer profile than 145.016, but thats hard to tell from photos. Chuck Maddox has this covered in his "dimensions of selected Omega list".
Wouldn’t you be able to tell by the ‘smoothness’ of the behaviour of the chrono sweep second? The 321 moves in a more step-like manner whereas the 861 is more smooth.
You can listen to the movement and easily distinguish if it’s beating 18000 or 21600 vph.
You can listen to the movement and easily distinguish if it’s beating 18000 or 21600 vph.
The question was about eventual visual differences - I assumed, on photographs.
Interesting watch listed on ebay for a couple of months already : https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.ch/ulk/itm/233521994984
What do you guys think? Assembly? 🙄