Ha ha thanks I think that is two people who like them you and the great @Omegafanman tbh one day it just struck me how much beauty I just take for granted and never take a moment to appreciate. It’s like beautiful paintings all around us. I get a similar feeling with trees and much of nature. Don’t get me wrong I love seeing all the watches here as well.
Don't mean to get off on clouds, but I grew up living on a high hill in a rural setting. The sky was unobstructed in every direction. I loved clouds then, in all their variety, in their endless seasonal parade across the sky. Never tired of gazing at them. Grew up, tackled life and time to gaze at clouds ceased.
Of course I used to gaze at my watch while bored in elementary school too.
Still like to gaze at neato watches, both mine and Omega Forums WRUW denizens'.