I’m sure we could get both quality and exact reproduction of the original.
To me, the main interest is to have it like it was back in the sixties 😀
Im completely up for it if we can get them made and I would be very interested. Im a strap addict (I have hundred of NOS straps for less than 30 watches) and am always on the hunt for good quality straps so I am very interested in what you could get made
I have a few of the originals which are nos and wearable and they are superb quality (but you are right bulky etc) but I avoid wearing them as they have survived so long. Kaufmann ones are very good but Kaufmann only really deal with trade and as such aren't easy to deal with as a private customer. Kaufmann ones are also not cheap
This is the other Kaufmann style I'm referring to
It looks good except none of these have the line impression of the original.
If the rest of the strap is good, we could consider seeing if Kaufman is willing to make a model of that strap, just with the line-impressed keepers?
Hi Tom, from what I understand the quality of the originals wasn’t necessarily very good, I’ve been told by someone who’s dissected one that there was literally paper inside the strap to give it shape.
My maker friend doesn’t have the equipment to produce the “ronde” edge, but they will cost significantly less than B&S, and should be more comfortable, thinner and pliable than the originals.
The idea here is to do a quality machine-stitched strap that’s a nod to the past but not a perfect recreation.
I have an 18mm short...
Short as in «too short » for you to wear? I’m a taker 😜
Ohhhh pics!