··ΩF InvestiGatorAgreed. But if the clock isn't winding, the mainspring is going to lose tension. Eventually, that 7-8 hours is going to be 7-8 seconds.
At least that's what happened to me. Originally, I thought the bellows were leaking or at least needed some more liquid/gas.
My clockmaker suggested that wasn't the problem. But during autumn, the temperature outside where I live doesn't vary much and my place is well insulated. So there is very little change in temperature in the house, so it's difficult for the clock to wind itself.
He said that the clock could run several months to a year without any winding at all. He also suggested that a couple of times a year I shut the clock down, box it up in its case, and put it outside on the patio for a day.
He manually wound the mainspring and the Atmos has run perfectly since. That was about 2 1/2 years ago.
So far, so good.
At least that's what happened to me. Originally, I thought the bellows were leaking or at least needed some more liquid/gas.
My clockmaker suggested that wasn't the problem. But during autumn, the temperature outside where I live doesn't vary much and my place is well insulated. So there is very little change in temperature in the house, so it's difficult for the clock to wind itself.
He said that the clock could run several months to a year without any winding at all. He also suggested that a couple of times a year I shut the clock down, box it up in its case, and put it outside on the patio for a day.
He manually wound the mainspring and the Atmos has run perfectly since. That was about 2 1/2 years ago.
So far, so good.