·There’s a December 1968 on EBay now.
....less than 12 hours later someone paid US$199.95 for a 1975 set of "Echo" Timely calendars.
I noticed this signed picture of Charlie Duke at the Mission Control desk as CapCom for Apollo 11 come up at auction (Heritage) last weekend.
And this 1974/1975 USAF set is rather cool. 😎
The search is finally over for the final piece to my 1968 Speedmaster/JB Champion set-up.
The missing piece you ask, or most likely not, the elusive H Shaped calendar as worn in conjunction by some astronauts with the JB Champion bracelets. I had asked a few of the astronauts if they recalled the brand or manufacture of the calendars they used but none of them could remember. I thought after all they had going on this would be the last bit of information they would retain, and I was correct, at the time. Then a few months ago I woke up to an email from one of them with the word Timely in the subject line. His email said that he was working around the house and it just popped into his head. While I was thrilled to have the information I was more impressed that after years of memories flying jets, training, orbiting and walking on the surface of the moon I had inserted myself into the deepest reaches of an Apollo astronauts brain
Finally, the quest began. After months of searching and checking multiple sources I checked ebay everyday, if not every few hours, under multiple words and combinations only finding H shaped calendars by Profile from the 80's, to current production ones, to the newer oval calendars. Then last week, to my surprise, the elusive Timely calendar appeared. While ideally I was looking for calendars from '68-'70 I purchased them immediately and victory was declared.
Are you all thinking I'm bat $h!t crazy yet You bet, but we all have our obsessions and this was mine.
For anyone interested this perfect complete 1967 Timely set has just popped up on ebay.