That rebus is obscure to me, I must say!
First one. The lady is Cynthia Payne, a notorious English brothel owner, know as
Madam Cyn.
Second clue is obvious, so we have
Madam Butterfly.
Working through the next lot.
Moon - m = moon or
Alexander Graham
Bell again
Winston Churchill's
O girl
Un / bel / dì, ve / drem / o (One fine day, we'll see)
It's a beautiful aria that I was enjoyed one night at Hamer Hall (Melbourne's "Opera House").
The only downside was an older gentleman, seated to my right, continually sobbing and muttering about how beautiful it was while dabbing away tears with a huge floral handkerchief.
It was quite off-putting so I had to have a very quiet word in his delicate (and extremely fragrant) ear.
He was a bit quieter after that, but I could feel vicious side glances every now and again.
I don't think he could believe that the Philistine who had whispered "those words" to him could possibly enjoy or appreciate opera.