Virgo's rule!
I remember learning how to use a slide rule in first year high school and thought it was an amazing bit of kit. Used it until it became more important to learn how weapons worked in my new life after I left school.
Many (many) years later when I was working in ship building and everyone was using various CAD/CAM programs.
I was told to go and see Boris (ex Russian engineer) about a stress calculation/shock excursion distance on an HVAC capsule mount.
Off I went. No introductions.
"Sit". So I sat.
He pulled over a graph pad, a pencil (the wood kind) and a slide rule and started making notes.
By this time I thought I'd been set up as a joke by my mates, but his next words were:
Mass? answer.......
All dimension? answer........
CofG fore aft and Pt Stbd? answer.......
Vat model Cavoflex? answer..........
Vere Cavoflex positions? answer.......
OK, vait please.
By this time I was looking around for the laughing idiots who had set this up, but nothing. Just Boris (well into his very late 70s by then) writing on the pad and working that slide rule like a fuckin' violin.
It was something to watch and I sat entranced.
After ten minutes he tore off a new sheet with multi-axis dimensions and G loads written in nice Euro style numbers with a curt "Here, solution!".
The figures were later checked on "computer" and were absolutely correct.
After that, every time I saw Boris in the hallways or down at the yard I'd give a polite nod, and sometimes I'd be rewarded with the same, and even a couple of times, with a slight wave.
He was not a man to waste time on frivolous things.
I had huge respect for him.
Anyway, enough thread drift.