Well I took the $710 gamble. No idea how long it will take to get but I'll report back.
yup thats what i was asking. Sadness ensues
You can in theory ask a OF member if they can get a spare part for you to try..... without a mark up. I already had my OB alert me when the "replacement" bracelet becomes available. Definitely not looking to flip it and make a profit... share the wealth type of thing...
Following this thread. Thanks @BradleyJ. for taking the plunge for the rest of us. At a certain price point it may make more sense to buy a vintage 1039/516. Just saying.
Check 2 posts above yours....... I do not own a 50th and I was able to purchase one a few days ago (ordered anyway) @Archer supplied the correct part number which my AD confirmed with a picture. Archer also stated that bracelets are not restricted parts which seems to be the case on this one as well. How long it's gonna take to get they couldn't tell me however.
I'd expect it to be available within a year or two of all the Apollo 11 50ths being delivered.
Try aqua terra 20mm would be another choice.Anyway It butterfly clasp and Not taper that much as 50th
Quote “This also fits all the other 42mm c.1861 Manual Wind Moon Watches made since mid 1960 until Present Day.”
?? Has anyone tried this yet?
I still haven't received mine but I'll report back when I test the fit. From my understanding it will need some modifications but until I get it I dont know.