@Alex1978 -
Je ne veux pas être impoli, mais il s'agit d'un forum en anglais. Il est très facile d'utiliser Google Traduction.
J'essaie seulement de rendre plus facile pour les gens de vous aider.
@Alex1978 -
Not meaning to be rude, but this is an English language forum. It is very easy to use Google Translate.
I’m only trying to make it easier for people to help you.
bonjour, j'ai la traduction automatique, et je pensais que c'était pareil pour tous désolé...
3.Older style MG.
Note how the older style Omega symbol is much thicker
4.Old style MG.
Evolution of MG. buckles
Older style AW.
Old style AW.
Evolution of AW. buckles
5.Special EK.
8.Later B.
9.Even later B
Well, I think that's all folks.
I hope it will be usefull to someone.
Looks good to me. It is possible that it has been replated or polished at one point.