·Looks like you are doing the work well - I'm pleased to see that there is no debris surrounding the case opening - this is something the DIY and mall kiosk kids often forget, leading to debris entering the case and eventually the movement.
Because people often don't understand what goes on during a service, it's a black box to them. They don't know what's involved in doing a proper job, so the pricing they get doesn't seem to reflect the work being done. The posts made in this thread by some are evidence of that.
Trust me I know this feeling well - before I became a watchmaker I sent my Rolex in to have it serviced via a local AD. As an engineer I was hoping to get back some sort of report with what they found, what parts were replaced, and how the watch was performing after the service. Instead what I got was an invoice that said "service Rolex model so and so" and a one line price. It was a complete disappointment, and when I decided to become a full time watchmaker, I didn't want my customers to have the same experience I had, which is why I document the service with photos and descriptions - these documents can run to 100 pages long in some cases (depending on the complexity of the watch and the repairs) with most pages having 2 photos one each page, so there's a lot to see.
This is all done to educate people on what really happens during a service, and I try to do the same here so people can understand what is being done right, and where shortcuts are happening.
If you want to comparison shop for apples, don't go looking at the watermelons for pricing...
Cheers, Al
I can understand your approach completely. I went through a similar process. When I was younger and worked in a hospital laboratory, I'd often go to draw blood on patients who didn't know why we wanted their blood, and who were being taken care of doctors who didn't explain anything about their illness or differential diagnosis.
When i went to medical school, I was determined to open up the lines of communication with my patients, and educate them about the diagnostic process and why were were doing certain tests or treatments for them. My patients always told me they really appreciated that.