That's just an incredibly beautiful watch. In a meta sense, I think this is the sort of watch the average person (non-collectors, you know; normal people) thinks of for the context of collecting. I know for sure that I have a certain reaction to this watch and very few specific watches trigger any sort emotional response from me. This is my overly wordy way of expressing: kick a$$ watch, cristos!
G'mornin' and G'day friends and mates. I (((love))) Universal Geneve. This watch is the gift that keeps giving - like the jelly of the month club 😀
I will try and buy as many of these as I possibly can.
The dial decided to go tropical out of nowhere. Just over the last (2) years or so. The pictures show black but this dial is brown to the eye...I know the term is widely abused but this one is turning to milk chocolate... And,the movement is scary good quality (tuned up Lemania)