Posts 7,290 Likes 76,520 dougiedude ·Nov 1, 2020·Carpe horologium! Evening with the 1960 Conquest: Edited: Nov 1, 2020
Posts 2,844 Likes 2,437 MikiJ ·Nov 1, 2020 Can't tell if it's high or low on the cue ball as it's either a right draw or a right follow. Ok Art, just how bad are my eyes 🙁
Posts 1,175 Likes 2,455 Nepomuceño ·Nov 1, 2020 rbob99 Another recent inexpensive and fun pick up: I recognize that one from eBay 😗 nice pick up.
Posts 2,306 Likes 19,737 Dr No ·Nov 1, 2020 MikiJ Break Ball 😉 More like . . . . . . 'busting balls'.
Posts 2,306 Likes 19,737 Dr No ·Nov 1, 2020 MikiJ So you played The Great One's part in The Hustler 😗 His game . . . . . . was straight pool. Mine's bank-the-8. But I use that photo as a sign-off on WPS.
Posts 2,844 Likes 2,437 MikiJ ·Nov 1, 2020 Yes, I remember that line well and he was The Great One. I have an autograph picture of him and Arnold Palmer playing golf at New Castle CC.
Posts 4,938 Likes 14,999 DaveK ·Nov 1, 2020·Yoda of Yodelers eugeneandresson Lets call it 'Bionic' 😉 And quite frankly, I wish they would continue on that line of inspiration. Very cool...and dibs 😀 Dibs noted 👍
Posts 1,024 Likes 3,994 base615 ·Nov 1, 2020 My old issued watch today. Weirdly, I haven’t worn it in months and the moment I put it on an old army mate got in touch having not spoken to him for about 15 years.