Posts 829 Likes 8,528 Hetcins1 ·Today at 11:52am Have a splendid evening, wearing my 1966 seamaster today .
Posts 8,014 Likes 57,670 TexOmega ·Today at 1:01pm Swiss made Hamilton “Illinois” Signamatic 1953 ETA 1256 No, there is no month with 40 days. Wind indicator! Works! Here begins Hamilton Made in Switzerland watches. (And automatic movements.)
Posts 953 Likes 3,617 CBM1590 ·Today at 1:11pm Citizen ProMaster Mechanical 200 Fujitsubo in titanium. I think I’m going to love this one.
Posts 3,889 Likes 37,443 ghce ·Today at 1:26pm This morning another Roamer. Roamer Stingray Ref 471-1230.002
Posts 16,824 Likes 153,319 Alpha ·Today at 1:34pm·Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector Evening Newmark,
Posts 236 Likes 264 lucreative ·14m ago One of the first reasons why I came to OF. To get advice and document my ordeal with AP servicing this "vintage" to me Huitieme. Worth it.