Posts 1,146 Likes 6,701 hansmaulwurf 路Jan 11, 2016路Senior Snoopy Owner npthaiduong I finally got it. My first Omega ever! This is the right way to have an awesome weekend. Congratulation! Nice choise!
Posts 4,437 Likes 18,223 Northernman 路Jan 11, 2016路Lemaniac Some snowdiving coming up today. EternaMatic KonTiki 2892A2 Chronometre for the occasion. 馃槑
Posts 2,037 Likes 22,042 Norfolk 路Jan 11, 2016 Speedsonic with one end link! Still looking for another but wearing her in all her beauty today....
Posts 8,742 Likes 69,421 Darlinboy 路Jan 11, 2016路Pratts! Will I B******S!!! Monday Morning Memovox... mmmm good 馃榾
Posts 7,225 Likes 24,418 Hijak 路Jan 11, 2016 Northernman Some snowdiving coming up today. EternaMatic KonTiki 2892A2 Chronometre for the occasion. 馃槑 Sweet!馃グ
Posts 2,533 Likes 11,450 Togri v. 2.0 路Jan 11, 2016路Wow! Custom title... cool Relaxing after work with a certain reporter and his very intelligent dog