Posts 30,747 Likes 36,198 dsio 路Mar 10, 2013路Ash @ 惟F G genepomelo Have a nice sunday 馃槈 Nice lavatory you have there
Posts 5,583 Likes 6,342 CanberraOmega 路Mar 10, 2013 dsio Nice lavatory you have there Ash, here we call them toilets, dunnys, etc. not lavatories
Posts 30,747 Likes 36,198 dsio 路Mar 10, 2013路Ash @ 惟F CanberraOmega Ash, here we call them toilets, dunnys, etc. not lavatories Maybe in Canberra, where everyone says "Fair dinkum" in a Welsh twang 馃槈
Posts 16,882 Likes 154,312 Alpha 路Mar 10, 2013路Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector Pray i'm not wearing this all day, heating boiler failed to waken this morning, blizzard conditions and boy it is cold. 馃檨 Have a spare thermocouple so lets hope !
Posts 1,641 Likes 5,753 pascs 路Mar 10, 2013 Just picked up some new Hirsch straps this morning...........馃榾
Posts 30,747 Likes 36,198 dsio 路Mar 10, 2013路Ash @ 惟F D Dablitzer Wearing something black and stealth like......馃槈 Mate, as a seasoned watch collector, I'll give you a professional tip: Always wear a shirt while photographing watches, especially reflective crystals like that one 馃槈
Posts 2,176 Likes 2,566 Trev 路Mar 10, 2013路The Architect G genepomelo Have a nice sunday 馃槈 Too funny.
Posts 2,176 Likes 2,566 Trev 路Mar 10, 2013路The Architect dsio Mate, as a seasoned watch collector, I'll give you a professional tip: Always wear a shirt while photographing watches, especially reflective crystals like that one 馃槈 Could've been worse 馃榿
Posts 30,747 Likes 36,198 dsio 路Mar 10, 2013路Ash @ 惟F D Dablitzer i'm white enough! 馃う Were you wearing a pair of strides at least?
U Posts 25,980 Likes 27,645 ulackfocus 路Mar 10, 2013 D Dablitzer i'm white enough! 馃う Black dials = black shirt. Or stand behind a barrier that's black.
Posts 15,048 Likes 24,025 cicindela 路Mar 10, 2013路Steve @ 惟F Again to today. Mmm, seem to have lost an hours sleep last night.
D Posts 0 Likes 7,039 Dablitzer 路Mar 10, 2013 dsio Were you wearing a pair of strides at least? Probably not. Think it may of been full bad.
D Posts 0 Likes 7,039 Dablitzer 路Mar 10, 2013 U ulackfocus Black dials = black shirt. Or stand behind a barrier that's black. Your ought think yourself could of been a loo shot! 馃榿
Posts 2,176 Likes 2,566 Trev 路Mar 10, 2013路The Architect D Dablitzer Your ought think yourself could of been a loo shot! 馃榿 It would seem our members only do that when it's a Rolex 馃槈 (all in good fun of course...)
Posts 4,642 Likes 31,210 MMMD 路Mar 10, 2013 LouS Bling for a dreary trip An excellent choice for such an expedition. 馃槈