Posts 16,855 Likes 153,873 Alpha 路Mar 6, 2013路Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector If only that brick was a LOT larger 馃榾
D Posts 0 Likes 7,038 Dablitzer 路Mar 6, 2013 Can't believe this hasn't been snapped up on the FS section! It's in such good original condition! Brothers! Going to wear it instead! 馃榾
D Posts 0 Likes 7,038 Dablitzer 路Mar 6, 2013 Mothra Not been off my wrist since it arrived... 馃榾 Those lugs could practically cut you! 馃槈
Posts 16,855 Likes 153,873 Alpha 路Mar 6, 2013路Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector D Dablitzer 馃榾 OMG - that brought a few memories flooding back 馃榿
Posts 4,642 Likes 31,209 MMMD 路Mar 6, 2013 Late for lunch... but lost in my own dreamy reflection... so shiny... feeling sleepy...
Posts 309 Likes 268 AJDay 路Mar 6, 2013 Snow storm coming, needed something a little more water proof:
Posts 6,713 Likes 18,566 LouS 路Mar 6, 2013路Mrs Nataf's Other Son Need some ballast on the wrist in all this wind and rain
Posts 3,849 Likes 27,360 adam78 路Mar 6, 2013路Adam @ 惟F I still have this one on. I adore dark chocolate...
Posts 3,184 Likes 3,853 SpikiSpikester 路Mar 7, 2013路@ 惟F G genepomelo This one for me 馃槈 My PAM390 I do hope this photo wasn't taken when you were about to test the water resistance 馃槣