Posts 884 Likes 2,969 AAAKK ·Apr 7, 2015 This has been a little neglected, so on it goes today. With all the great vintage and modern LE versions, it's easy to forgot how good a value these basic 3750.50's are.
Posts 455 Likes 945 lenny ·Apr 7, 2015 Paedipod, you really woke up to a memomatic???? Mine is pretty quiet. Something louder today:
Posts 543 Likes 980 lwong ·Apr 7, 2015 Pre-upgrade: And post-upgrade. Or regression, depending on your point of view:
Posts 3,849 Likes 27,358 adam78 ·Apr 7, 2015 I haven't worn this Blackstone for awhile now, so here goes!
Posts 16,770 Likes 152,371 Alpha ·Apr 7, 2015·Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector Driver safely back in the box and the 300 for yet another glorious spring evening.
Posts 7,225 Likes 24,418 Hijak ·Apr 7, 2015 New arrival today, all the way from the Lowlands of Scotland to the coast of Lake Michigan...
Posts 57 Likes 172 bronxbomber252 ·Apr 7, 2015 Chillen in the hot tub after the gym with my favorite workout/outdoors/beater watch
Posts 2,160 Likes 16,620 Paedipod ·Apr 7, 2015 lenny Paedipod, you really woke up to a memomatic???? Mine is pretty quiet. Something louder today: As long as it's resting on something resonant like a bedside table it's plenty loud for me! This is my other alarm
Posts 4,853 Likes 70,381 Barking mad ·Apr 7, 2015·Prolific Speedmaster Hoarder Should almost be worn back to front...