Checking in from Portland, Oregon.
Portland has its nice houses, but it's not a great city for architecture quite frankly.
In brief, there is a lot of variety. The small city is made up of clusters of neighborhoods, each with their own vibe. What makes the city most remarkable are the trees and gardens. While an exaggeration, it feels as if every piece of ground is planted with something. Looking at our next door neighbors house.
The city was slow to grow until the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial. The fair attracked many visitors, which caused Portland to grow from 161,000 to 270,000 residents between 1905 and 1910, (according to a Wiki post.)
A four square is a typical house of that era. Many are in the central area near downtown and the river.
The river divides the city between East and West. In its early years, there were wharfs and buildings all along the banks. The term Shanghaied originated here, as drunks were kidnapped and woke up on sailing ships headed across the ocean. The river now has parks and cement banks. It's a bit underutilized. But there are many bridges, including a pedestrian and bike only, making it still picturesque.
During WWII, ship building was big here, as we had inexpensive hydro power to feed aluminum smelters. Small houses grew, such that they now occupy large portions of the city. (What were once small, affordable homes are sadly no longer cheap.)
Tudors were built, and 1950's ranches popped up.
Perhaps the slow economy preserved a lot of the homes. There simply wasn't the economic growth that often rips down the old and builds new. Subsequently there are a lot of original homes that survived. The 90's brought gentrification and influxes of people, such that housing is considered unaffordable for most.
Besides the trees, what makes the city are the many different shopping and eating districts. It's a very walkable city with lots of non-chain restaurants and food carts. It's the people who make it beautiful.
Mt. Hood also watches over us
And of course, the dogs