At one time it was...
My other collection that isn't really a collection is guitars.
The only one that would be considered a collectors item is the Fender strat at the back. It's a c1988 Fujigen Japanese factory model that I've owned since new. They were better than the US models at that time & Fender stopped them being exported into the West not long after. Apparently they're sought after in unmodified original condition like this. Most were modded as a lot of people didn't like the old fashioned design of the pick ups.
Well since I am new to the forum, I thought I would comment. I collect lots of different things, but besides fishing tackle (salt water stuff), I also collect lots of cigars. I have over 2,000. I have my favorites, and also many manufactures release limited editions. Like wine, with aging they usually get better. Unfortunately (or fortunately) most of my cigars will go up in smoke eventually, so they are not a good investment. I also like collecting whiskey and whisky. Another one that seams to disappear.
Very nice! Are they glass or crystal? How big are they? Do you use them?