What are you reading??

I adore Pratchett, that is a very cool thing to find among your old books.

Indeed! I might part with it, as I finally spotted a Speedy that's calling to me, but I always find parting with books the hardest of any of my things.
Picked this one up from my psychologist/counselor son. Pretty good read and I’m an admitted snob when I comes to writing.
Indeed! I might part with it, as I finally spotted a Speedy that's calling to me, but I always find parting with books the hardest of any of my things.
That's funny, I just got done buying myself three Discworld books to read over Christmas break: Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, and Small Gods. And I just pulled the trigger on a chronograph, granted it's a Seiko 6139-6002.
That's funny, I just got done buying myself three Discworld books to read over Christmas break: Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, and Small Gods. And I just pulled the trigger on a chronograph, granted it's a Seiko 6139-6002.

That's great. I'll probably read The Colour of Magic to my son here in a few years- we just got through reading Anthony's Castle Roogna the other night!

I've never really had a speedy that called to me, but another member here currently has one for sale that... well, it's the speedy for me. There's a chance someone else will make an offer on it before I have the opportunity, but I'll hold faith. In the meantime... considering the current expense with my cat, I don't feel comfortable spending money unless I can move some general odds and ends.

Enjoy your Discworld books!
...I've never really had a speedy that called to me, but another member here currently has one for sale that... well, it's the speedy for me.

Just re-reading for the 2nd or 3rd time "His Dark Materials" Trilogy by Philip Pullman on an E reader.
The more times I read it the greater my respect for Philip Pullmans insight and penmanship, will definitely be reading it again after I have finished it this time.
Have watched the TV series (BBC) that came out a couple of years back but had already read the books first.

Sometimes it fun to drill down on an author and read all their material produced, which I had done a couple of years back, whilst he is predominantly seen as a younger persons author his concepts and litterative skills are way beyond that.
Concurrent with his dark materials I am also reading this which I purchased 2 days ago.
An authoritive index and history for all the ships of the New Zealand Shipping Company and it's subsidiaries from inception to closure exactly 100 years later.

Continuing with GHCE’s theme…

Takes place during WW2 and there is a shortage of Scotch Whisky. A shipping magnate, however, has cases and cases of “Old Grouse”.

This is the closest I could find…
Stuck between reading ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ and World War Z (book club requirements) I’m delving into legendary record labels:

Just finished:


One Second After is a 2009 novel by American writer William R. Forstchen. The novel deals with an unexpected electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States as it affects the people living in and around the small American town of Black Mountain, North Carolina.

My take- Wild! Makes me want to buy a bunch of guns. And the scary thing is that this could actually happen...

Just started:

One second after is pretty good. And the title is spot on.
A book which looked to me like a sci-fi which will never happen back in the 90-ties when I red it for the first time, looks today scary possible - Sky Lords by John Brosnan.

A book that impressed me very much is the "Two sides of the Moon" - written by Aleksey Leonov and David Scott. It is their story till the historical Soyuz-Apollo mission. It is amazing how two people with such a huge difference in the background, wealth, challenges in life... may come to the same place and time to meet each other outside of the Earth. I literally couldn't sleep till I didn't finish it.
Bought these 2 weighty tomes the other day, part one and part two, I think there is a part 3.

One is 650 pages and the other 730, so I guess it will keep me occupied for a good chunk of a week.

Bought them not just because they are SF but because of the ludicrous claim at the top of the cover " Britain's number one Science Fiction Writer " normally I wouldn't bother with such outrageous puffery but what the hey I'll give most things a go once.

Reynolds > Banks > Hamilton, but I get that people would dispute my order here (and I guess Banks isn't British so let me show how American I am)

I think most people would probably argue that the culture series is better than Revelation space, and Reynolds has some writing ticks that can get on my nerves but I really enjoy many of his stories. That said... Use of Weapons is a fantastic story.

Regarding Hamilton... I read his reality dysfunction series years ago and found it entertaining but not so much so that I can remember much about it. Decent pot boilers except for the length, his characters could be a bit more interesting but his plot is fun once it picks up.

Bought these 2 weighty tomes the other day, part one and part two, I think there is a part 3.

One is 650 pages and the other 730, so I guess it will keep me occupied for a good chunk of a week.

Bought them not just because they are SF but because of the ludicrous claim at the top of the cover " Britain's number one Science Fiction Writer " normally I wouldn't bother with such outrageous puffery but what the hey I'll give most things a go once.

I have a young kid so most of my reading time is with him. We discovered this series recently and really enjoy it. Good stuff if you have any budding, young naturalists in your family.

Reynolds > Banks > Hamilton, but I get that people would dispute my order here (and I guess Banks isn't British so let me show how American I am)

I think most people would probably argue that the culture series is better than Revelation space, and Reynolds has some writing ticks that can get on my nerves but I really enjoy many of his stories. That said... Use of Weapons is a fantastic story.

Regarding Hamilton... I read his reality dysfunction series years ago and found it entertaining but not so much so that I can remember much about it. Decent pot boilers except for the length, his characters could be a bit more interesting but his plot is fun once it picks up.

I have probably read his stuff before but I suspect it's forgettable so it's been forgotten in my short term memory.
Good writers stand out and are not forgotten regardless of how long ago you read them.
I have probably read his stuff before but I suspect it's forgettable so it's been forgotten in my short term memory.
Good writers stand out and are not forgotten regardless of how long ago you read them.


Regarding your earlier comment about The Golden Compass--- My high school sweetheart let me borrow her copy and gave me a copy of the Subtle Knife when The Amber Spyglass came out. She said "you should read these, you and I kinda remind me of Will and Lyra."

Not long after that, we parted ways.... 😵‍💫 (Ironic, but it definitely worked out for the best!)

I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie, so I've never watched the show/series. How was it? Worth watching? This is yet another Fantasy series that is going to be a must read to my children.
I have a young kid so most of my reading time is with him. We discovered this series recently and really enjoy it. Good stuff if you have any budding, young naturalists in your family.

Keep the suggestions coming! We picked up terror bird and have read it a number of times.