But we had a sort if love and hate relationship. At first, I intended to buy this Mark1 but I regarded it as to expensive. So stupid of me and I regretted it every day. It got dold and I even tried to flip it for mine plus cash lots if times with the new owner but no..
It also came with a service dial and hands.
It sads me still today looking at the pics!!
I did trade my one for a really nice Rolex 16700
I had told the guy that when ever he wanted to sell that Mark1, please let me know. And then the day came when he wanted to sell it and I soldmy Rolex and thought yes!!!!
The Mark1 hsd been sent for a service before we spoke and made up the deal and I specifically told him I wanted the Mark1 dial on, not the service dial. Unfortunately the Mark1 dial was ti fragile or it got destroyd I dont exactly know, but it now came on the service dial instead. It was the Mark1 dial I hade fell for in the first place!!!
So sad.. and no, I dif not end up buying it and even sadder for the poor guy is that he lost a lot of money on it. He finally got it sold for 40% less than what I would have paid..
Long story I know but that was the Ploprof and I.