I don’t understand why you hate this clasp so much. Live and let live. Maybe some other people swell more than you and it’s useful? And the larger clasp is an acceptable trade off? You’re usually so rational. I don’t understand why you can’t stop railing against this thing.
What his point is relating to is pursuing a bulkier clasp and sacrificing comfort all day every day for a lousy 2 mm of adjustment which may or may not necessarily come into play or even be used to good effect.
Seriously, 2 mm is virtually nothing of any consequence and I struggle to comprehend how Omega re-engineered the thing for 2 lousy mm
The design team must have been a bit quiet and the big guns must have said get up off your backsides and start earning your keep or we will start trimming the fat off your division or something like that. Or maybe it was a little project they threw in the direction of a newby to the team to test them out and see what they can come up with
The other thing is it just seems like yesterday that the watch was released and to come up with a modified clasp at this point in time with a mere extra 2 mm of quick adjustment is sort of a bit of a joke. Then for people to chase after it and pay fairly good money for 2 mm is somewhat perplexing.
Go ahead and knock yourself out for 2 mm by all means, but to my way of thinking 3 mm would be far more usefull or maybe even up to 4 mm if I had to have a bulkier clasp with only one alternate adjustment/setting.
Surely we can have a reasonable discussion around it without getting our noses out of joint.
He makes a valid argument from a certain perspective.
What do I know anyway?
I set my bracelets up slightly on the lose side so all scenarios are covered and I am currently wearing a watch with something like 20 mm of quick adjustment and I have never ever used it except to demonstrate how impressive it's design is only once in 12 years.
That's even travelling around the world with it and in different climates and seasons.
Frankly, I would probably prefer the original clasp on the 3861 and enjoy it's more compact nature whilst wearing it a touch on the lose side and be done with that configuration.
To each their own and when get around to picking up mine, I will be looking for a pre owned one in the original clasp configuration for a slightly added discount, so I'm basically all set