Today was an important day for him.
How is it that there can be an important day for him, unless there is an EVENT involved?
JINX!! lol
I suppose the event is a birth date. Nov 22 1881, according to Wiki.
DEnver minus Dee
Boris Pash
I can’t tell you too much about this individual, or you’ll twig to his identity too easily. I can say this individual was a performer, was American, and is now deceased.
I'm thinking of two names,
Edward G Robinson (but the Jack confuses me).
Jackie Robinson (But the "eg" confuses me).
According the the Merriam-Webster-Webster dictionary, e. g. and i. e. can almost be used interchangeably. In my rebus, I meant i.e. As in Jackie Robinson. So I think my rebus made sense.
I don't have my copy of the Australian Style Guide any more, but I used it often when doing technical reports and one thing I remember is the use of e.g. and i.e., they are not interchangeable according to the ASG.
I.e. is Latin for id est or 'that is' — and is used to clarify the statement before it, I remember it as "in other words" when applying it.
E.g., the other Latin contraction means exempli gratia or 'for example.' It's used to introduce examples and illustrate a statement.
Picky I know, but they are two different kettles of fish.