路Its no secret that the clasp on my seamasters are very easy to scratch up. I'm one of those that feels that a scratch or dent on my watch is a badge of honor, so to speak. With that being said, if I have a chance to keep that to a minimum, I will. Having just tore off a section of my clear bra protection on my Infiniti convertible, I thought it might work on my watch clasp. I purchased a small 4 x 6 inch section of 3M clear vinyl bra material for 3 bucks. I cut a section just to fit the clasp and stuck it on. It works perfect! I just got back from a dive trip in florida and not a scratch! It is also
invisible to my eye. It never pealed nor did the edges lift up. Stayed secure and perfect for the 10+ plus hours it was under water. I used it on my SMPO chrono.