Called and spoke to the manager if a rather large U.S. OB from where I obtained my 321, and have had my name “on the list” for the Snoopy.
Me personally, I asked to be “on the list” months after release, didn’t put down a deposit, etc.
Here’s what this OB manager reported:
Since deliveries started, they’d received a total of 10 pieces (less than 1/mo).
They have an additional 27 people on the list who have paid full deposits and Omega has told them are guaranteed a Snoopy.
HOWEVER, the full deposit list used to have 69 people, but months ago Omega contacted them with the list of names of people with deposits who should stay on the list and will receive a watch, but the other 40+ people needed to have their deposits returned as they will not be guaranteed a watch.
So what did that mean for me, with my name “on the list” but having never paid a deposit (much less had one returned)?
He said (remember, this is a salesperson) that now my name is on a backup list with a few others like me (no deposit ever paid but a valued customer), but also together with those 40+ people who had their deposits returned - and that basically if one of the 27 deposit buyers above decline their watch on delivery, the OB could select from the backup list whom to distribute the watch. And (salesman warning again), that my name was right near the top of that list (suggesting people who had deposits returned were not necessarily given pole positions on the backup list).
As with all rumor and intrigue around these rarer allocations, this is just one manager, at one OB, in just one market, talking to just one customer in a salesman-sales relationship - take it with whatever grain of salt you like to assume.
Still, in the way it’s an interesting dovetail with the original topic of this thread.
Moreover, I see no reason to doubt the manager’s assertion that they’ve received less than 1/month. So if that pace hold, and if it’s further true that 27 individuals with deposits are guaranteed a watch, the 27th person may be 3+ years deep before “the call.”
TBH, I haven’t followed these Snoopy speculation threads in a very long time, so I may be repeating long known rumors, or long dispelled rumors.
But if I’m to believe my OB manager, my personal shot of a Snoopy reduce to: over the next two+ years, people with deposits down at that point for over 2+ years *might* decide after all that to reject their allocation (despite 2X+ secondary market values), and more than just one or two of those folks need to do so for my place in the backup list to be reached.