So it’s a fake version of a fake version of a real watch.
Its basically the synthetic CDO of the watch world.
It's all about getting the likes/followers/clout or whatever other cringey word people are using these days. In the past, I think the lower quality replicas kept people from wearing a replica out of fear of a knowledgeable watch enthusiast spotting the fake and judging them. Nowadays people can pay a few more hundred bucks for a high quality fake and never have to worry about outing themselves as wearing a replica, since even with a loupe or with the caseback off, it can very difficult even for a seasoned eye to determine what parts were incorrectly replicated. Scary stuff for people who like to buy 2nd hand and save a few bucks....or in the case of some models, spend more bucks, just to be able to own a hard to track down piece.
Reality it’s still a swatch with a quartz movement for $200. What happened to our standards.
I'm more surprised about famous stars/rappers wearing fake watches and then being exposed - but I guess they don't walk into an AD to buy one themselves
New white Snoopy is fake. Didn't take long at all. But you have to directly compare to a real one to tell. I got half my money back and kept it. 'Moonphase setting' ·Just got a white snoopy moonphase but how do you set the moonphase? The video on YouTube says pull the crown out all the way and push the lower one. That moves the hour in the left dial, not...bsowers34 ·