Everything came at once. Well the 8200 came at midnight the other night.
Here is the pink impulse test fitted onto the watch. It even came with the plastic spring clip. I think it goes well with the rusted hands. Now I need to get a pink rhinestone from the craft store for the index. I think I will also use the craft store glow in the dark glitter to re lume the hands. Perhaps they have pink lume.
Still have not taken the electronics apart to see if I can get them to work. I put a battery in the other one and it has been running for weeks.
Of course getting the cannon pinion is not enough. So last night I made an offer on a 351 sweep hand. Then I notice it said seller is away till Sunday. But they accepted my offer. So next up is this.
Too bad I did not order it last week, midnight, as it is the same seller I got the canon pinion from.
Get Omega hands while you can, because these things are becoming the proverbial hens teeth. The seller had more than one and came down from the already overpriced discount. I still think I am paying more for the hand than I did for the watch decades ago. But as they say In for a penny in for a pound. Only 19 and six yet to go give or take a bob or two.