How to remove links on a 1116 bracelet?

Hi folks,

I purchased a 145.022-69 very recently and it came with the 1116 bracelet. Usually full length is a very nice thing, but I definitely need to remove some links from the bracelet to size it to my wrist.

I already tried to push the little bolts out the bracelet, but that didn't work and I didn't want to damage anything before I know if this is the right way to do it. The bolts actually feel like little spring bars as when I push into the hole with the screwdriver, the bolt kind of goes in a little and jumps out again, when I release the pressure. Does that make sense? However, that's what it is pretty much.

Can anyone of you guys help?
Not an expert on these bands, but if you feel something moving in when pressing. Could be a small spring bar

If the tool goes in when tried on both sides. It's a spring bar

Try pushing in and then pressing down on the outside link to see if the center part will move up (meaning spring bar cleared the outside link)

May take a bit of manipulation fooling around to do it. Use left hand to hold and finger to press up center link while pressing in and using tool to push down on outside link

Manipulation part is making sure the spring bar clears outside link, but also the tool is still inside and not preventing center link from lifting

Hi Don,

Thanks for the advice. I'll try tomorrow and let you know.
