This arrived in yesterday morning.
It had cycled past an auction with out any bids and it had been very reasonably priced but the sellers pic was poor and his freight just that little bit too much, tipping the scales in favour of a pass at auction close time for me.
6 weeks later and 10 minutes before Christmas day he offered it at a reasonable reduction, tipping the scales in the opposite direction so I accepted his offer 1 minute before midnight, making this a last minute Christmas gift.
Seller one and only pic.
So I had been expecting a black dialed Roamer Anfibio, which I already have a copy of and they look wonderful so I expected a nice black dial what turned up was quite different but in a good way.
Seller pics sometimes are like a hole in the head, not helpful.
This is what turned up.
A nicely Geneva striped dark blue dial that in certain not direct light looks black at a glance but put it in the sun and wowie what a dial.
Needless to say I am well pleased as I do not have any Roamers with this dial configuration and this one is like the case and crown mint, though I had to polish the lens to make it really pop.
Here it is in a flat light to recreate the black dial.
Some times you get lucky!
As I have mentioned before these the last of the quality in-house mechanical calibres that Roamer produced and are very feature filled IE automatic, hacking, quickset date and snap date changes with their well proven patented mono waterproof cases.
Roamer Ref 522-1120.020