Good chilly morning from Maine!
On March 25, I took my new to me 145.022-68 to our local watchmaker to address the 861 hour register creep. Per their protocol, they sent it to Omega in NJ who per their protocol sent it to Omega in Bienne. I received my watch back this past Saturday, and it’s wrong (to me). I asked everyone I spoke with over the past 8 months to please leave the hands be, and that didn’t happen. I have fished the hands out of the bag of returned parts and I’ll ask the watchmaker who initially sent my watch away in March to put the OG hands back on my watch. I’m a little crest fallen as it’s hard to wait a while, and then have stuff not be the way you want, but that sounds like life to me. Also, for reals a total first world problem. On the plus column, the hour register creep is gone, and this watch is keeping time like a boss. I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and Monday is off to a great start.