New here, and hardly a watch collector let alone vintage or high-ends, but here's my first WRUW!
Tissot Visodate PR516 GL Heritage (dark blue dial)
Right now it's on my "casual" strap, but I also have a chestnut dress strap and I plan on a metal bracelet of some sort once I figure out what would look appropriate on it. Came on a metal rally strap but it wasn't for me.
I am an atheist but I just had a religious experience. I now believe in the holy trinity - Mrs Almighty, Jack Heuer and their son LouS!
Blasphemy, my friend! Everyone knows that is the place of Jonny Sonbol!
Blasphemy, my friend! Everyone knows that is the place of Jonny Sonbol!
That apparently is how the Son of Father Time are clearly not enlightened.