No time like the present, doubt they warrant a thread of their own so here are a few pics.
As you can see they have both the French and British markings, I recall reading somewhere that Britain had a shortage of binoculars and the French helped out ?
Unfortunately when I picked them up they were almost seized and some bright spark had tried to force them causing a lot of scratching but working great now with fine optics.
I bought that Oyster Precision new in 1988 when I was 19-years old, a month after my oldest son was born. Wore the heck out of it for almost ten years, having found it actually more than satisfied the "itch". I don't remember thinking at the time that it felt or looked small -- I've always worn it on a leather strap -- but just look at it beside the (relative) behemoth that is my current daily-wear!
The Oyster needs a good servicing, but damn if I don't still love that watch! I don't think it's seen daylight much in the last ten or more years. My boy born in 1988 has called dibs on it, as he rightly should. Planning to transfer it to him in 2018 on his (and the watch's!) 30th birthday. (Sidebar: How the heck did I become the dad of an almost-THIRTY-YEAR OLD!?!)
I'm pretty lame compared to @watchdaddy1...therefore, all I could muster is a pic of Hooters girl pics from a Hooters in Tampa, FL during a layover a few nights ago. Sorry, dude. 😁