What is the proper care for a classic...

As a new collector really with no clue I am hoping the group will help me and other beginners understand the correct course of action with vintage Omega. I understand to each his own taste but I want to make sure I don't devalue any vintage watch I end up caretaking! So everyone's opinion is appreciated. If you owned this Seamaster what would you do it? I plan to wear it and use it. I think it already has replaced improper hands? Has it been so polished it is no longer a classic. So maybe it no longer matters? Thank you for your input!
I would say do what you want, whatever makes you happy with the watch. In this state originality and risk of reducing value is kinda academic. The only way is up.....
I tend not to buy watches in this condition but, should one ever come into my custodianship, I would be sourcing new Omega service hands, bezel and dial, case refurbish and service, making me a nice, low risk, daily wearer. It won't be original but it will be a nice restored vintage piece.
Just my opinion.
I'm going to assume that you bought the watch because it appeals to you. In that case, I think that wearing it and using it is a good plan for this watch. From a collectible perspective, the watch has too many condition issues to consider trying to restore it IMO, and there's not enough upside. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it for what it is. I don't think I would invest much into it except for a movement service if you plan to wear it regularly. If you wanted to go beyond that, I might consider finding better hands if you think that will help you enjoy the watch more. If you're happy with them, then just leave them alone.
I think the dial has some charm, and the case is not so bad. I would agree the hands need some work, and I would send them to an expert relumer, who can age them to match with the dial.

The movement looks clean and bright. If it is keeping time and functions I wouldn't worry about service, wait until it stops. Chronos are expensive to service and there are no shortage of 861 parts.

A really nice leather strap is key to enjoying this one.