In my original post, I had mentioned that the 1171 bracelet was too tight for my wrist and that I needed to source extra links for it. As a matter of fact, during my first stint of ownership, I had mistakenly bought links meant for a 1171/1 bracelet without realizing that they were quite different. At 16 mm wide, with a pin closure, they were not compatible with the original 1171 whose links are 14 mm and screwed.
Thanks to this thread, I subsequently got contacted by a member of this esteemed forum who generously offered to sell me three of these 14 mm links. What's more, in the course of our PM exchange, I mentioned that I was contemplating getting myself the replica of the Mexican Holzer bracelet made by Uncle Straps, and lo and behold he had one of these as well, unworn because bought just before finding an original 1175 bracelet. He offered me a very good price for the lot, and we promptly agreed on a deal.
His package came in yesterday, and I'm thrilled. I can now finally wear my Moonwatch on its original bracelet, something I had never done. I took a quick and dirty shot to document this milestone, as this configuration will be mostly used during Summer.
As for the US Mexican Holzer, I like it even more than I thought I would. It's just as light and rattly as a vintage bracelet, which is not necessarily a bad thing in my book, and it looks really good and distinctive. I will probably end up favoring it somewhat to spare my 1171 from wear and stretch, and it is definitely a worthy addition in my options for dressing up my Speedmaster. Once again a quick and (very) dirty picture to illustrate the effect. Next time I'll take a minute to wipe off the dust!
in good heralth