What Causes You to Worry?

I don't worry about anything any more.

Many years ago in a previous role (IED Disposal) my instructor asked me if I was worried about the final opex.
"Maybe just a bit Chief".
"Don't even think about it." was the reply, "Just do what you are trained for. Besides, if you fuck up, you won't be worrying any more".

I am concerned though with other global issues. Plastic. Bushfires/Wildfires. Demented Dictators. Etc.......

There are so many "worry triggers" in the world now that I can see how it can affect many people.
I just try to do what I can (recycling/energy conservation/only buying vintage watches) and trust that everyone else is doing likewise.
Excellent responses that certainly put my missing needle worry to shame. Therapeutic and also eye opening (no needle jokes needed here).
Paper or plastic? It keeps me up nights. :D Seriously, I worry a lot about global warming. Not so much for myself, but for future generations. I remember very well what winters were like when I was growing up (I still live in the same area of the Mid-Atlantic region of the US) and they are much milder now with very little snow. Summers are blisteringly hot. I believe in the science, but my eyes and common sense confirm it. I've travelled enough to see glaciers melting, barrier islands disappearing, and wildfires, floods, droughts, hurricanes and tornados all becoming more common and increasingly severe. This is no joke, folks, and we better wake up soon and do something about it before it's too late. We're arrogant enough to think that the human race can't go the way of the dinosaurs. We're wrong.

I wouldn't worry about that at all, its quite likely that there is now nothing we can do to reverse the changes that we can already see and even more likely that the bad things that will happen in the years to come could not have been stopped even 10 or 20 years ago as we probably passed that point of no return many years ago with out even knowing it.

My favourite expression has always been it not what you know that kills you but what you don't know.

So go out and party hard, burn more dinosaurs and have a thoroughly decadent life safe in the knowledge that we truly were the last privileged generation and that all our offspring for as long as they might survive are screwed!
There are so many "worry triggers" in the world now that I can see how it can affect many people

Getting off of socials was the best thing I've done to manage anxiety. Dark UX patterns and endless doomscrolling really got the better of me for a time
Excellent responses that certainly put my missing needle worry to shame. Therapeutic and also eye opening (no needle jokes needed here).

No needle jokes hey? Rich men…

Dromedary, Bactrian, what is a 3 hump camel called.

(Grabs coat, runs)
No needle jokes hey? Rich men…

Dromedary, Bactrian, what is a 3 hump camel called.

(Grabs coat, runs)
IMG_3016.jpeg That one went right over my head Paul…
IMG_3016.jpeg That one went right over my head Paul…

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle Bible verse came into what is left of my brain cells.

A joke explained is a fail, sorry! Dromedary = 1 hump, Bactrian = 2 hump…3 hump = hump three.

Here’s looking at you, kid.
A different wrinkle: I’ve come to embrace “worry” as my friend. SO many times my incessant worrying, fretting, and disturbed sleep have given me invaluable solutions to very sticky problems. However (and this is key): you have to recognize when you’re not moving the needle by doing it. Then it’s a nasty neighbor.
I live in Florida. I worry about being hit by an uninsured driver who flees after the accident every time I get behind the wheel. It has happened to my wife twice in the last 12 years.

Supposedly up to 25% of drivers on the road here don’t have insurance (or a valid license).

And guess whose insurance just went up again.

One in every four vehicles is uninsured?? :eek::eek::eek: That's completely bonkers!!
As far as I'm aware, if they don't have a valid license, then even if they have insurance (even by proxy) they won't be covered.. Do they not have enough ANPR cameras? and are the penalties not severe enough to deter every fourth person?
So long as they are your own, don’t worry.

I've been doing a bit of research, you know, trying to find a solution..
..so far this is the best I've come up with:
One in every four vehicles is uninsured?? :eek::eek::eek: That's completely bonkers!!
As far as I'm aware, if they don't have a valid license, then even if they have insurance (even by proxy) they won't be covered.. Do they not have enough ANPR cameras? and are the penalties not severe enough to deter every fourth person?

No cameras, no state inspection, no need to show insurance or ID to renew registration (only needed to register a new vehicle), very few traffic stops. I also see lots of motorcycles without a valid plate. Penalties only happen if you’re caught, and that’s why most flee. And then, they pay the fine, lose their license, and keep driving, knowing the odds are low they will get caught again.

It’s insane. And those of us who do the right things are paying more because of it. My insurance has doubled in the last four years, all because of increased payouts in the state from storm damage and uninsured motorists.
I'm really sorry to hear that.. I live in the UK so we don't have to carry any ID of any kind, nor driver's license, registration documents, or insurance, as a matter of fact we don't have to carry anything; but we do have lots of ANPR cameras that will flag a vehicle that has no insurance, or has no MOT, or is stolen, or even if it has cloned number plates (if the original vehicle is somewhere else being used) and if the police are not too stretched, then they're dispatched pretty quickly to apprehend.

Obviously we do also have a problem with uninsured drivers (what I thought was a serious problem up until this conversation) the figure is around 5% of all drivers.

I literally complained to my car insurance company this year because my premium jumped by £67 to over £250 per annum, I have a full no-claims bonus, but they said it was because I live in London which has higher crime rates, uninsured drivers, and somehow it had something to do with inflation and the cost of living crisis, which I wasn't taking from them; it seemed opportunistic, but because I've been with them for quite a long time and I complained, they actually refunded me the entire premium which was very nice of them (Hastings Direct to give them credit).

But doubling an insurance premium for an existing customer must be like a red rag to a bull, it would surely massively incentivize those who might find insurance difficult to afford and I'm guessing those opportunists to break the law. The whole thing sounds like a self-perpetuating nightmare.
'According to the Motor Insurers Bureau scheme (MIB), there are a whopping 1 million uninsured drivers on UK roads, which amounts to around 4% of all motorists in the country. Whilst this statistic is down by almost half of the figures seen in 2004, it is still a shockingly high number that compares poorly with other European countries'
How that in this internet age western civilization has become less educated, less logical, more gullible, and more fragile.