Still in the break-in period so haven't really thrashed it yet, but overall I'm happy so far. Literally just finished having a conversation with someone who was here about a watch regarding the electronic steering. I would much rather have a hydraulic rack and pinion system like my Z4M had, and yes I would rather have a naturally aspirated engine as well, but the realities of cars today (and fuel economy requirements) are limitations that are difficult to escape on many new cars.
The steering feel in this is far better than in my wife's 335, so I'm pleased with that certainly, but it's not the same as the old systems are. I would also prefer to blip the throttle myself on downshifts, have a dipstick to check the oil, etc., but again not the times we live in apparently. I'm not going to be racing this car, so although I'm sure some here would not like the car for many reasons, I like it very much so far. I still do miss the Z4M though...this is definitely not "Fred Flintstone's car" as the Hamster once described the Z4M (and yes that one still had a dipstick for the oil).
Cheers, Al