Enablers Unite: Noob Tax Paid
I wanted to provide an update on what is now called Project PLOPROF 600: Destro never delivered from the Omega factory.
I purchased the PLOPROF 600 locally and while I was aware of a couple issues like a polished case and service hands, I did however miss a couple of more important issues. One pointed out on this thread was that a Destro PLOPROF never originated from the OMEGA factory. I was also private messaged from another owner about the crystal and tension ring not being set correct.
It took me a couple of months to find a watchmaker that could work on this project. I wanted to make sure I found somebody specific with PLOPROF experience. I located a watchmaker on Instagram. He had been posting a PLOPROF project he had been working on, so I reached out and as it turns out he is also a member here.
So why the noob tax? Well, two reasons. I paid more that I wanted, and I justified this in my mind because I thought there is probably a premium for a Destro Ploprof. In addition, the tension ring not being installed correct was a gateway for moisture. Moisture is not good for watch "innards".
So what I thought was a "smoking deal" really ends being another project watch that is a drain on funds.....too soon to tell.
But there is hope and this story may end on a positive note. I will post another update when I receive the watch. Not sure when that will be, maybe 2 months from now. One other issue I have to work out with the watchmaker is the service hands. The watchmaker recommended aging them, so I will wait to see how they look, otherwise plan B is to buy a pair of aged hands from two different members that have offered up a hand set.
Moisture kills a watch movement
Good thing I saw the finished pics before I saw this one
The finished case looks awesome.
I ordered an Extract from Omega today. I had to go to the San Diego boutique. They are saying 6 weeks, however another staff said up to 4 months.
And of course, the watchmaker....
@photo500 The guys a master at case work.