路Interesting! I've got the above cross-hair pie-pan for a while and haven't bothered to look it up. Mine is just 452 numbers off yours.
Interesting! I've got the above cross-hair pie-pan for a while and haven't bothered to look it up. Mine is just 452 numbers off yours.
Excellent, they're brothers! Congratulations, your have a little piece of history there. I did post this before calling people to check but didn't get a response. I wonder where the other 19,998 are!
Do you know the serial number run for the 1000?
Please show your vintage Constellations.
Would be great to see the variations in a new thread. I'll go first.
1961 Pie pan, Cal 561, Case Ref 14393, on a period 7912 Bracelet (stainless steel)