The Timeless Watch Channel from YouTube won’t return Bogart watch [Watches now Returned]

I won't name names (since originally posting this I have edited the title to include the channel name) as I feel this is my fault for trusting somebody...... It's my Humphrey Bogart Gruen watch, I just wanted to share it's story on youtube.... I will never engage with a youtuber again with any of my watches... I feel sick with worry and the way I feel I have been treated.

Sent my Humphrey Borgart watch with all the provenance in August 2021 it was received by the youtuber first week of september 2021 its now end of May 2022 so he could document it and the history correctly (I had a stroke in 2018 at 47 years old and struggle typing and doing things myself otherwise I would have done it myself) he knows this, I'm also on benefits so can't afford what he is suggesting in his email last night ...

I dont know what to do??? hence this post...

I asked for it back in January for delivery March 2022... (he had not done with it) so left it another 4 months and still not heard from him ...then asked agian 1st week of April for a return for the 1st week of May... had messages saying it would be sent 1st Week of May and then every week for three weeks saying it would be done that week ... he's still not returned it, still not sent it still no tracking number....

I received this email last night...barring in mind I lent this watch out for free and a value of £20 which covered the cost of postage ( I was not exporting it) . These are the emails in reverse order so start at the bottom of this post and work upwards, (please note I texted him and called him yesterday and got no reply) He has moved home and I do not have his new address.

YOUTUBER 23-05-2022 (last night)
Hey man,
Yeah i have to go to ******** this week to ship a watch i sold so i'll bring the Gruen with me. Will send you tracking once done. Btw, calling me and texting me won't speed anything up here. I have to travel to a city 50 minutes away to ship this watch. It's a matter of setting that up. If you'd like, i can ship from here and you'll be charged import fees on your end. Should be around 800 quid. you ok with that?

On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 10:42 PM <+++++++++++++> wrote:
Hi *******, have you managed to post my watch back ? Thank you ****.

Sent from my iPhone

On 15 May 2022, at 18:08, <+++++++++++++++++> wrote:
Yes, man. Heading to ++++++++ mid week to ship stuff out. Your Gruen is in there.
Hope you're doing well.
- *******.

On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 6:05 PM <++++++++++++> wrote:
Hi *******… any chance you can please post my watch back this week ? Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

On 9 May 2022, at 16:44, <+++++++++++++> wrote:
Thank you … it’s very important that it’s returned asap, I can’t stress this more to you… I expect a swift return

Sent from my iPhone

On 9 May 2022, at 15:33, <++++++++++++> wrote:
I'll have tracking for you soon. Have to travel to ************ to ship the watch. That eats up most of a day.

On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 6:15 PM <+++++++++++++> wrote:
Hi *****, have you managed to post my watch back?, if so could please send me the tracking number ? thank you *******.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2 May 2022, at 23:02, <++++++++++++++++> wrote:
I just moved apartment and all my stuff is in bags.
I will go through them tomorrow and get the watch. Going to Vicenza to ship other watches later this week so it will go out then.
Thanks for the reminder.
- ******

On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 11:00 PM <++++++++++++++> wrote:
Hi ******, I’m hoping to receive my watch and all the paperwork back this week, could you please send me the tracking number? Thank you ****

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Apr 2022, at 17:58, <***************> wrote:
Yes man. That’s the plan. I’m filming macros if it tonight.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 9:25 AM <XXXXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
Hi *****, just to confirm with you as I know you must be busy and would hate if you forgot, could you please send my Gruen watch back so I receive it the first week of May ? Thank you all the best.

Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Apr 2022, at 15:44, <XXXXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
I just got a text from you to my phone saying the same thing. I had already replied here on email. I can't reply to your text cos you are not using imessage and my system here doesn't send old style texts.
I don't understand why you need to text me as well as emailing me. Especially if i already replied to you.

( I didn't get this reply till later that day, so I texted too)

On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 4:23 PMl <XXXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
Will do, thanks.

On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 4:18 PM <XXXXXXXXXXXX> wrote:
Hi again ******, please can you return my Gruen watch for the first week of May or sooner if you have managed to film it, please could you supply the tracking number Thank you for all you have done.

Sent from my iPhone
Yea that’s a bit concerning, I’d be pressing the issue and going to the authorities if he drags his feet much longer.
When I see your Forum name and Avatar I immediately think of Bogey and that watch. Where is this You Tuber located? And I agree with @dsio above.
1. YMMV but I do not agree you should feel guilty for trusting somebody,
2. It is late May, so you are waiting almost 5 months for returning your property - to me that's long enough to post youtuber name, so we can flame his channel and probably other social media with "lazy asshat - close to a watch thief" comments.
I just hope he sends my watch back, I don't want to name him or the place he is living as it will "out him" and I'm not about that, but I can say goodbye to it being on his channel now.
1. YMMV but I do not agree you should feel guilty for trusting somebody,
2. It is late May, so you are waiting almost 5 months for returning your property - to me that's long enough to post youtuber name, so we can flame his channel and probably other social media with "lazy asshat - close to a watch thief" comments.
I just want my watch back, I suffer from Anxiety after my stroke as I'm now dissabled and it's really making my wife and I worry
The youtuber deserves to be identified. 5 months is too long and I suspect that his motives are not honorable. I'm really sorry that you are having to deal with this and I hope that the coming months are better for you not only with this situation but with your health as well.
The youtuber deserves to be identified. 5 months is too long and I suspect that his motives are not honorable. I'm really sorry that you are having to deal with this and I hope that the coming months are better for you not only with this situation but with your health as well.
Yeah, it's been awful really, but I'm always telling my wife not to worry........ but inside I'm gutted, I was hoping that maybe one day it would sell at auction and It would help us to live, as I cant work now. All I wanted to do is share it's story with the world as it's been such a secret watch.
I do not think it’s your fault for trusting somebody. You can’t make someone be a scumbag. They do that themselves. You wanted to share the history of your watch. You are the victim here and should not feel any guilt or anything of the like. It’s getting near time to play hardball. Sounds like you are in a tough position with your ailments, makes it even worse what “YouTuber” is doing. Time to name name let the word get out “YouTuber” will be doing this to others.
Hello, I am really sorry to hear about this story and especially about the health situation. These things do bring out a lot of stress. He sounds so rude as well the way he replies to your messages/emails.
He said in one of his messages he is going to ship some watches from Vicenza (Italy), I assume he is based in Italy?
I am hoping he will send the watch asap, I would disclose the name as well, if the watch is not returned by the end of this week, social media posts and youtube comments under his videos could help getting your watch back.
Yes, I will name him and his channel but will wait another week, I have to yet again give him a chance.
I am concerned that your watch may have been lost by Youtuber.
I think Youtuber also needs to publish a video of your watch.
I am concerned that your watch may have been lost by Youtuber.
I think Youtuber also needs to publish a video of your watch.
I just want it back and all the provenance, not intrested in any video he makes.
Yes, I will name him and his channel but will wait another week, I have to yet again give him a chance.

I fee that’s wise. He still has the carrot of avoiding bad publicity if he returns it and makes you whole.

Still an utter scum bag move but hopefully you get a positive outcome.
I fee that’s wise. He still has the carrot of avoiding bad publicity if he returns it and makes you whole.

Still an utter scum bag move but hopefully you get a positive outcome.
I agree.
Please PM all of us his YT channel and we will call him out on Ig, YT, and Fb if he is there.
You gave him many chances to return and now he is anwering in a rude manner to you ?? You did him a favor and he should quickly return it to you as his expense if there are any costs. It is easy to ship it Duty PAid by sender with all the large couriers.
Please PM all of us his YT channel and we will call him out on Ig, YT, and Fb if he is there.
You gave him many chances to return and now he is anwering in a rude manner to you ?? You did him a favor and he should quickly return it to you as his expense if there are any costs. It is easy to ship it Duty PAid by sender with all the large couriers.

I have to wait another week he may have some personal issues... and I respect that, but I will start to contact his sponsor's as this may reflect badly on them, and it's a situation I don't wish to be in.
Yes, I will name him and his channel but will wait another week, I have to yet again give him a chance.
I think you’ve given him enough of a chance.
Six years ago or so, someone agreed to sell an expensive watch, value approx 20.000 dollars, to a famous collector on another continent. Because of the stellar reputation of the buyer, the seller sent the watch without any upfront payment.

Then the buyer, a busy business man, was seemingly too busy to make he payment or answer the seller.

That lasted for about 4 or 5 months, as I recall, until the seller outed the buyer on Chronotrader.
It only took a few hours for the buyer to resurface explain himself, and finally make the payment.