I grew up in and spent all of my childhood in aviation. My dad got his pilots license in high school and has been flying ever since. Both my mom and I also have our pilots license’s. They have pictures of me as a young child building lego airplanes on the hangar floor right next to my dad who was restoring a 1942 Stinson Voyager from the frame up.
At the end of 2019 I was halfway through my A&P program but 2020 hit and put a quick end to that. Schools shut down and transitioned to online. The FAA wouldn’t allow our program to transition online to prevent cheating… and with it being so lab heavy, the program was shut down as a whole (dependent on each states local government and Covid levels). Being in Los Angeles, my school/program closed for over a year. Now living in NorCal, the closest school to me that offers the program is reopening this fall and aren’t accepting any new students/transfers until the end of next year. I
was set to be graduated with my license March of this year… but on to new goals.
Anyways, I recently helped my dad, along with an A&P and IA friend perform an engine swap on his Cessna 180. Here are a couple of pics- I’m behind the camera, but there is my dad
Pardon this image quality. I took this a while ago and had to scavenge my parents social media for it.