This forum is, without question, one of the most toxic forums I have ever encountered. I am far from alone in this assessment.
I came here seeking information and found valuable insights from the professionals present. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the vast majority of contributions from the so-called amateurs here. While a few valid points were made, the overwhelming majority were nonsense, noise, or outright misinformation.
Yes, I went on a rant, and I make no apologies for doing so. I respond as I am treated. If you don’t want shade, don’t throw it. Yet many of you showed no interest in engaging with the issue at hand and instead chose to pile on insults, as evidenced by the staggering volume of your pointless and offensive shitposting.
Your responses were not just unhelpful but outright rude, arrogant, and intended with disrespect. It was abundantly clear that many of you didn’t even bother to read my comments about the issue or watch the video I provided. Instead, you jumped at the opportunity to attack my responses to others’ provocations, contributing nothing but hostility, further insults and disrespect.
You distorted my words, misquoted me, and deliberately misrepresented my comments. You insulted me personally, disparaged my business, and even went so far as to attack my family. Let me be clear: you would never dare to do this to my face!
As for the moderator who thought it appropriate to issue a blatantly biased ban, you are as much a part of everything wrong with this community. You allow your favoured members to fling insults and behave with impunity, but you are quick to silence others who challenge this dynamic. Then, to add insult to injury, you mock the ban and fan the flames, inciting this abhorrent community to sink even further into its toxic behaviour. You sir are a joke.
This forum’s atmosphere is not just toxic—it is repellent. It alienates many people and and ensures that any potential new participants with meaningful contributions will stay far away, which is what I will be doing.