Speedy 3861 weirdness - BUYER BEWARE

I concur. Cats are assholes - BUYER BEWARE

I can't agree. One of my dogs has declared himself a cat and demands to be called Pussy.
It's a cat 'click', lol. What a tool. He mentioned a couple of times that he's a boss. Can you imagine working for that d-bag?
It makes sense actually. Cats probably press the buttons when they chase the mouse.
It's a cat 'click', lol. What a tool. He mentioned a couple of times that he's a boss. Can you imagine working for that d-bag?
I'm ready with more cat pics.
These threads are the best. I predict he comes back, starts the process over, and then there thread gets locked.

It's a cat 'click', lol. What a tool. He mentioned a couple of times that he's a boss. Can you imagine working for that d-bag?
Porbably spends his time in the office raging on the net. Just stay away when he gets out, foaming from his mouth.

I womder how he`s productivety is regarding the time he spent on this tread.
I made an incredibly thoughtful and compassionate (I thought) reply to this thread back on page 1 or 2, before it got ridiculous. Then I saw on page 4 that the OP wrote "I'm not responding any more except to update on the status of my watch" and then he proceeded to do what he did (I was counting his posts, but stopped in the upper teens) until he got banned.

My cat says "good riddance". LOL

Similar activity on other forums. It's a unique feature of this means of social interaction... imagine meeting this tool at a pub. Cliff Claven's long lost brother, ranting on about something trivial. At some point (page 3, perhaps) you pick up your beer and move to the other side of the room. If the barkeep doesn't throw him out, then you just have to leave and go drink at home.

Anyway, thanks for the entertainment, you low-testosterone bunch of fanbois. 😉

Anyone have this bloke's address, so I can send him some medication?
hen hen
I womder how he`s productivety is regarding the time he spent on this tread.

Presumably he'll bill that to Omega as damages.
This forum is, without question, one of the most toxic forums I have ever encountered. I am far from alone in this assessment.

I came here seeking information and found valuable insights from the professionals present. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the vast majority of contributions from the so-called amateurs here. While a few valid points were made, the overwhelming majority were nonsense, noise, or outright misinformation.

Yes, I went on a rant, and I make no apologies for doing so. I respond as I am treated. If you don’t want shade, don’t throw it. Yet many of you showed no interest in engaging with the issue at hand and instead chose to pile on insults, as evidenced by the staggering volume of your pointless and offensive shitposting.

Your responses were not just unhelpful but outright rude, arrogant, and intended with disrespect. It was abundantly clear that many of you didn’t even bother to read my comments about the issue or watch the video I provided. Instead, you jumped at the opportunity to attack my responses to others’ provocations, contributing nothing but hostility, further insults and disrespect.

You distorted my words, misquoted me, and deliberately misrepresented my comments. You insulted me personally, disparaged my business, and even went so far as to attack my family. Let me be clear: you would never dare to do this to my face!

As for the moderator who thought it appropriate to issue a blatantly biased ban, you are as much a part of everything wrong with this community. You allow your favoured members to fling insults and behave with impunity, but you are quick to silence others who challenge this dynamic. Then, to add insult to injury, you mock the ban and fan the flames, inciting this abhorrent community to sink even further into its toxic behaviour. You sir are a joke.

This forum’s atmosphere is not just toxic—it is repellent. It alienates many people and and ensures that any potential new participants with meaningful contributions will stay far away, which is what I will be doing.
This forum is, without question, one of the most toxic forums I have ever encountered. I am far from alone in this assessment.

I came here seeking information and found valuable insights from the professionals present. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the vast majority of contributions from the so-called amateurs here. While a few valid points were made, the overwhelming majority were nonsense, noise, or outright misinformation.

Yes, I went on a rant, and I make no apologies for doing so. I respond as I am treated. If you don’t want shade, don’t throw it. Yet many of you showed no interest in engaging with the issue at hand and instead chose to pile on insults, as evidenced by the staggering volume of your pointless and offensive shitposting.

Your responses were not just unhelpful but outright rude, arrogant, and intended with disrespect. It was abundantly clear that many of you didn’t even bother to read my comments about the issue or watch the video I provided. Instead, you jumped at the opportunity to attack my responses to others’ provocations, contributing nothing but hostility, further insults and disrespect.

You distorted my words, misquoted me, and deliberately misrepresented my comments. You insulted me personally, disparaged my business, and even went so far as to attack my family. Let me be clear: you would never dare to do this to my face!

As for the moderator who thought it appropriate to issue a blatantly biased ban, you are as much a part of everything wrong with this community. You allow your favoured members to fling insults and behave with impunity, but you are quick to silence others who challenge this dynamic. Then, to add insult to injury, you mock the ban and fan the flames, inciting this abhorrent community to sink even further into its toxic behaviour. You sir are a joke.

This forum’s atmosphere is not just toxic—it is repellent. It alienates many people and and ensures that any potential new participants with meaningful contributions will stay far away, which is what I will be doing.
It’s not a matter of a rant, you’re 120 posts into crashing out over a warranty repair on a Speedmaster. We didn’t make the watch, we didn’t cause the problem, the solution to the problem is plainly obvious to anyone with functioning intelligence. Yet despite this, you decide to endlessly go on, and on, and on, then create additional threads to spill over into, which is just spam and negatively impacts other people’s ability to carry on their own discussions in other threads.

To this end I will inform you of something that is well overdue, the world does not in fact revolve around you, and you are not the main character. It sucks that you were unfortunate enough to have a watch that had issues but it is your self-centered temper tantrum that lost you a great deal of sympathy.

I had sympathy for you too initially, until it became clear that you were incapable of respecting others and the site and decided to spread your tantrum outside of this thread.

It is worth noting that after giving you a day to cool off and calm down, instead of doing so you went to WatchUSeek and carried on with the exact same behavior there, carpet bombing multiple old threads with spam as some sort of a grumpy old man equivalent of a university sit-in in order to ruin it for other people.

I have exactly zero sway with WatchUSeek, yet their mods considered you that much of a nuisance that they’ve deleted all of your content and banned you already in under a day. Now maybe the cats just have friends in high places and you should leave out a saucer of milk as an apology, but I’d say the much more likely answer is that the problem is you Davey.