So... any of our members here have an interest in firearms?

There is an Omega brand pistol, but its more like a HK SMG cut down to pistol size, available in .40 S&W.
Who has a Pistole from Omega?

Keeps terrible time, BUT is useful when seconds count (see what I did there)
On another note, I just love the iconic design of the AK-47. That balance of wood, and the shape of the charger makes it truly a beautiful gun in my opinion.

Chinese 'Polytech' (state factory 386) w/milled receiver and surplus Bosnian war Russian stockset. I bought a boxful of these stocksets...some are carved with names, stickers and such, painted symbols. This was the cleanest set so on it went. The rifle I got at a local gun show, it was wrapped up in a towel. The guy said it was his father's and he kept it in this towel but the towel got wet at some point and rusted the outside finish. Cleaned it up with some steel wool, perfect inside. Between the metal finish and the stock, gives it a 'battlefield' look. Smooth as butter action. I've had just about every type there is, and the Polytechs are as good as they get.
Heading to the range in the morning. I ran into a good deal on a fiber optic front sight with a plain rear sight. So it was time to get rid of the Glock plastic sights & upgrade this Glock.

Anyone like fiber optic front sights?
Never owned a pistola with a fiber optic sight. Probably will pick up one of the Colt Cobras which has a fiber optic sight so will try it out then.
Never owned a pistola with a fiber optic sight. Probably will pick up one of the Colt Cobras which has a fiber optic sight so will try it out then.

Never used one except on a shotgun. I can see the usefulness on a duty or self defense handgun. They are not very good for precision target shooting.
For small game at any distance if the lighting is poor enough for a fiber optic sight to come into play its probably too dim to get a really good view of the target for judging shot placement.
Never used one except on a shotgun. I can see the usefulness on a duty or self defense handgun. They are not very good for precision target shooting.
For small game at any distance if the lighting is poor enough for a fiber optic sight to come into play its probably too dim to get a really good view of the target for judging shot placement.

With new sights I like to shoot the notch. I start out with equal light equal height. Then shoot a few rounds with the top of the front sight aligned with the rear ledge of the rear sight I more or less go from top to bottom of the front sight to the rear sight ledge then back to equal height equal light.

At 25 yards equal height equal light same as a regular sight without a fiber optic insert. The red dot just helps guide my eyes to the front sight.

At 15 yards I use the ledge of the rear sight and using the red dot in the front sight. As long as I can see a flash of red and with a good trigger control.. I'm fairly accurate and can group about a four to five inch pattern.

These fiber optic sights are very good in day light even in low light. When it's dark I use the sights as regular sights. They do have a purpose The sights on the Glock I posted are not great for distance. Since the Glock is used for CCW. The sights suit my needs.

This morning I ran 80 rounds through the Glock. I need a bit more range time with the sights to learn how much I can misalign the sights and still hit the target. The sights are not very good for precision at distance do to a wide rear notch and wide front sight but they sure do shine at 25 yards to 30 or less.
My favorite movie series of all time...Tremors, and one of the most entertaining. Burt Gummer as a hilarious gun nut chasing underground monsters. Five movies in the series from 1990 to today. The first two are really the best IMHO. Great for a late night or lazy afternoon. I few screenshots below...
The first Tremors was fantastic, now I want to go watch all of them.

I just bought the complete set of films on Amazon, I know what I'm doing this weekend.
I tend to have an interest in firearms too, but I also tend to disagree with the idea that giving citizens free access to guns - to the point that it is easier to buy than OTC medecine - is an effective way to provide self defense capabilities to the average Joe.

Where is this magical place where the guns are free?

Guns in the states are not easier to buy the OTC medicine.
I was out in Vegas some years back and got to fire a GE Minigun. It’s a fearsome thing! You don’t hear or feel the individual rounds. Sounds like tearing canvas.

The Minigun used in Predator was a working gun. Built by George Atchison in Georgia. And slowed down to shoot just a little faster that the old German MG42. On the aircraft mounted models they have Hi/Low settings. 6000/3000 rpm. Fierce!
Now I’m a Glock/Remington/Bushmaster fan.

Glock 23 (.40 S&W)
Remington 870 12Ga
Bushmaster AR-15 (5.56mm)
Now I’m a Glock/Remington/Bushmaster fan.

Glock 23 (.40 S&W)
Remington 870 12Ga
Bushmaster AR-15 (5.56mm)

In my case I have the Glock 23, Mossberg 500, and Colt M4-LE with 11.5" barrel. However, I previously had built a CMMG gas piston SBR 10.5" upper and registered/engraved my DPMS lower as an SBR (which I still have). I use an AAC M4-2000 Suppressor.

I also have my G23 set up for 3-calibers in a nice 2-layer gun case. It's set up right now for suppressed 9mm with a threaded Lone Wolf barrel, but I can go into the case and convert it to also shoot suppressed .22LR with a .22 kit and threaded barrel, or regular .40 cal with a barrel and magazine change (not suppressed). I didn't have a .40 cal at the time that I bought my 9mm AAC Evo-9 suppressor for my Glock 19 and Sig P229 (which I still have). PS: My Sig is my most accurate pistol.

I also tend to disagree with the idea that giving citizens free access to guns - to the point that it is easier to buy than OTC medecine.

I used to travel the world in my prior job, and with my passion being antique firearms (old west specifically) the conversation would usually come up at dinner, over beers etc. It ALWAYS surprised me how the rest of the world sees the USA as this shoot 'em up freewheeling do what you want place. It is not. There are 12 conditions you must meet federally to purchase a firearm, plus additional at the state level. For example, any violent act at Misdemeanor level or above precludes you from owning a firearm, FOREVER. Any Felony at all precludes you forever(even if a non violent white collar crime like tax fraud). In my state you not only have a federal background check but a state level one as well. As for private sales, each state has reqts but generally the seller is legally obligated to verify the buyer can legally own the firearm(ie legal age, and same conditions as fed reqts). MOST people don't know this but it is true. In my state if you sell to someone you know is violent, you have liability if he uses that firearm in a crime. This has been true for decades.

Criminals, of course, are outside the law, and care not about civilized rules. They will get what they want if they try hard enough. Laws really only to keep honest people honest, and punish those who fail.

At last count there were over 20,000 gun laws in the USA. Laws don't work to prevent determined criminals.

Anyway, the reality is...
FACT: USA Gun violence is down 50% in last 30 yrs(general violence as well).
FACT: USA School shootings are down 75% in last 30 yrs(again, general violence as well).
FACT: USA Gun ownership has doubled in that same timeframe.

What has changed to make things sound worse? Media hype of every little sniff related to firearms.

24hrs a day hype on things like gun violence. And its not evenly portrayed as all media is now politically aligned. No longer are there sources of unbiased news. The division in political parties is widening and the media has taken sides, largely liberal as liberal causes are more interesting to read about, thereby generating viewership and sales. Conservative views are quite boring. In fact a study was done that shows that years ago the difference between liberals and conservative ideals were only 16%, today it is almost 40%. I believe, in large part due to the media eye intruding in all things, and the microphone in the face mandates you take a firm position. You can't be neutral in front of the media. They will push til you take a position, or else you're vilified for not taking a stand.

I'll say it again, being able to defend against a threat helps prevent the threat. Time honored human nature tradition of peace through superior firepower.

In both small and large scale, if human nature changes from inherent warring I'll change my mind. If you look at the history of the world, only 50yrs of the last 2000 were peaceful. Otherwise, war. That's who we are folks. And the VAST majority of non natural deaths in the 20th century came from regimes who disarmed their citizens.
Amen brother. It always astounds me how easy people think it is to buy a gun and how little research they are willing to do on the subject.
Blast from the past.....a drunk Ernest Hemingway on a boat with a child and full auto Thompson machine gun. What could go wrong?
