Nice @Faz
Glad to see you stayed off of the NO COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC parkways of the NYC area.
Many a box trailor has been sliced open like a sardine can on the low overpasses of the parkways.
That was so bizarre. No fear and extremely dangerous especially that the lift operator was...100% incompetent..I was hoping not to be a witness to a case of human roadkill..
Oh man I spent a few years in Manhattan and had to drive a bit for work in all of the boroughs and I could not imagine having to navigate a tractor/trailer around those roads!
Reminds me of when I first got my truck license 20+ years ago and rocked up to my first gig driving a big rig. I had to drive the truck around the block a few times when I first got into a full size rig before being on the busy Sydney streets in peak hour. ( remember sitting there for 5-10 minutes whilst they finished loading thinking 🤬 )